
Timnat, Y.M.




Orig. Ed 1996




U.S. Dollars







In this book Professor Timnat describes the physical and operating characteristics of a wide range of modern gas turbine engines, giving both their civil and military aviation applications. In addition, ramjets, scramjets, and pulse jets are analyzed, first for ideal conditions, then taking into account real gas effects and losses. Modern aviation applications for a number of airbreathing powerplants are also discussed with particular attention to experimental facilities and the status of hypersonic combustion. Modern trends in the development of jet engines are described with emphasis on important environmental issues such as exhaust pollutants, the greenhouse effect, noise abatement, and ways of complying with regulatory requirements. Supersonic powerplants, V/STOL propulsion, and stealth technology are also discussed in detail.

"Modern trends in the development of jet engines are described, providing a good foundation for understanding the powerplants needed to propel future aerospace planes into orbit." -- Leonard David, Space News.

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