GENERAL AVIATION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, 3rd Ed. Operating, Marketing and Managing an FBO


Prather, Daniel C.




3rd Ed 2009




U.S. Dollars







The third edition of General Aviation Marketing and Management, although true to its original purpose, has been updated and expanded to include more guidance on the subject of FBO Management.  Specifically, the line service functions of an FBO are thoroughly explored, allowing the student to understand the FBO from the ground up, and thus become a more effective FBO manager.  The text also retains a marketing focus to enable the student desiring to learn about aviation  marketing, the corporate pilot responsible for aircraft evaluation, and the FBO Manager seeking to enhance revenues, the opportunity to learn more about marketing in the GA industry and be more effective in this area.

"This third edition of a text for a course in fixed base operator (FBO) management has been updated and expanded.  New chapters cover management functions and organization, customer service, line service, risk management, and human resources.  After an introduction to the scope of general aviation, chapters are in sections on operating, marketing, and managing an FBO.  This edition also includes new real-world scenarios to supplement the book's chapter review questions and key terms.  About 50 pages of appendices offer resources such as a 3-week training program for new aircraft salespeople, a sales presentation, and a sample FBO lease agreement.  This book will be useful to aviation students, corporate pilots responsible for aircraft acquisition and assessment and FBO managers."--Reference and Research Book News, May 2009

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