TIMBER MANAGEMENT: A Quantitative Approach


Clutter, Jerome L.

Fortson, James C.

Pienaar, Leon V.


Orig. Ed 1983, Reprint Ed. 1992




U.S. Dollars







This book presents timber management from a thoroughly quantitative perspective. Section 1 contains a complete treatment of models to predict tree and stand volume and growth. This includes everything from tree taper models to diameter distribution models. Section 2 covers concepts of discounted cash flows, compound interest, internal rate of return and taxes related to timber management. Section 3 deals with stand-level and forest-level planning using the models of Sections 1 and 2. Linear programming models for harvest scheduling integrate the timber, finance and tax models of the other sections. The book is appropriate for a senior-year course in timber management. Appended to each chapter are advanced concepts in mensuration and growth modeling appropriate for graduate courses or reference material. It is unsurpassed as a reference book on modern methods for timber growth and yield prediction and timber management methods.


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