
Hess, Mary E. (Eds.)

Brookfield, Stephen D.



Orig. Ed 2008




U.S. Dollars







Teaching Reflectively in Theological Contexts explores the dynamics, principles, contradictions and tensions of teaching within theological contexts. It offers practical suggestions on modeling pastoral leadership, building trust with learners, negotiating the dynamics of team-teaching, questioning received truth, teaching through discussions, working with diversities, and building a culture of reflective teaching.

"Teachers, seminaries, and other religious education contexts share insights into using dialog and conversations as teaching tools. Their topics include making space for students to seek truth, teaming to create conditions for transformation, white teachers recognizing and challenging racism, and connecting classroom teaching to institutional practice."--Reference & Research Book News, November 2008

"…this is one of the most helpful and thoughtful books about theological education I have read in years. It captures the honest, open, and compassionate spirit present in the very best teaching workshops." -- Stephen H. Webb, Journal of Education and Christian Belief, Spring 2009 (13:1)

"… the book models a way for other faculties, inside and outside seminaries, to pursue collectively a process of reflective practice on reaching and student learning." -- Richard S. Ascough, Teaching Theology and Religion, 2009

"This book provides practical tools for busy pastors and faculty to help them think through how they might become more mindful of particular pedagogical issues when constructing scaffolding to support their classroom learning design. Throughout, the authors have provided means by which readers can begin to unravel snarled assumptions brought to learning tasks and educational environments. Becoming more critically reflective as a teacher may hold the promise of providing students with not only a means by which they too might become more critically reflective learners, but model for them a way of being in the world." -- Paul O. Myhre, Word & World 31/2 Spring 2011

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