INTERNSHIPS: Perspectives on Experiential Learning


Ciofalo, Andrew (Ed.)




Orig. Ed 1992




U.S. Dollars







It is estimated that about 60,000 college students in communications and business are doing internships in any given year. Yet few supervising off-campus professionals understand their roles as "educators," and this often leads to an unsatisfactory experience for both the student and the company. On the academic side, supervising faculty are unaware of the theory behind experiential learning and, consequently, give internship supervision short shrift among their many academic responsibilities. The fact that practitioners and educators do not share a common vocabulary leads to poor communication and the view that internships hold second place to classroom-based learning. This guide taps the best minds in the field to demystify internships and experiential learning. It helps the practitioner and professor stand on common ground in nurturing the student intern.


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