CHINESE 1000: Idiomatic and Colloquial Expressions - Mandarin  Chinese/English


Keuper, Jerome P.




Orig. Ed 1997




U.S. Dollars







Chinese 1000 will help you use and understand colloquial writing and conversation in Mandarin Chinese. It was developed from scholarly research and includes an extensive worldwide bibliography and cross references. Usefulness in everyday speech was a criterion for the one thousand entries collected here. The scope is broad. Customary expressions of courtesy are included, usually in several variants. There are also rude sayings and expletives - always advantageous to understand. Slang words, not likely to be explained in Chinese-to-English dictionaries, form another category in the treasury of colloquial speech.

"Beginning or intermediate students of Chinese as a foreign language will find this book a handy reference tool as many entries are built upon the basic vocabulary that they are expected to master." -- Karen T. Wei, American Reference Books Annual, 1998.

 "If you are a student of the Chinese language, or an individual who needs to conduct business with anyone who speaks the language, then this book would be your bible." -- Lisa Peachey, LMP Book Reviews, May 1998.

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